The Point Webinar – Just How Smart is AI for Workers’ Comp?
Sep 11, 2023
I'm thrilled to announce that WorkCompCollege will be hosting "The Point Webinar" on September 28, 2023, at 1:00 pm ET, delving into the intriguing topic: "Just How Smart is AI for Workers' Comp." Spearheading the discussion will be the esteemed Bob Wilson of and Judge Dave Langham from the Florida Office of Judges and Compensation Claims. Kristin Kautz, CPSM, and I have the honor of joining as special guests.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly making waves in numerous sectors, but what about its implications for workers' comp? Is it set to be a game-changer, or might there be pitfalls? How should it be aptly integrated, and what's the larger picture? Dive into an enriching conversation with our panel of experts, all adept at navigating the nuances of AI, as we explore its future impact and potential roles in the workers' comp domain.
Registration is free; however, seats are limited. Please click here to register.
Kristin has posted an excellent summary of AI. Please click here to view it.